There is a body of science and research that informs the latest trends and thinking within the fields of natural health and nutrition. If you want more in-depth information and suggestions for further reading around these fascinating subjects, then you’re in the right place!
What is a herb?
A herb is a plant where the roots, leaves, flowers or berries may have pharmacological activity in the body. Many traditional pharmaceutical medicines are actually based on the knowledge and effects of herbal medicine and some active components of these plants have been used to make patented medicines.
Many plants such as Peppermint, Artichoke, Chamomile and Aloe Vera to name but a few are used as nutritional supplements. Some (for example, milk thistle) have been licensed as traditional herbal remedies (or THR’s) because they have proven long-term effective use in treating minor ailments.
Not all herbal medicines are created equally
Traditional Herbal Medicines (THRs) are regulated by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority (MHRA) to ensure they comply with safety and quality standards, include clear Patient Information and are authorised for sale in the UK.
At Schwabe Pharma UK we are proud that all of our herbal medicines meet these licensing requirements: look out for the THR logo on products.
To find out more about licensed Traditional Herbal Medicines you can watch a short video from the British Herbal Medicine Association (BHMA):
What you need to know when buying UK herbal medicines – YouTube
Find out more by visiting the Herb Fact Files
Click on the links below to understand the science behind the herb:
What is a vitamin?
Vitamins are essential for life. They are also called micro-nutrients because they are needed in very small amounts in the diet.
Vitamins come in two groups: water soluble. which are quickly and easily lost and therefore needed in the diet every day, and fat soluble which can be stored in the body.
Find out more by visiting the Vitamin Fact Files
Click on the links below to understand the science behind the vitamin:
What is a mineral?
Minerals are the basic constituents of all matter. They are part of all living tissue and exist in their inorganic form in the earth. Approximately four or five per cent of our body is made up of minerals, mainly within the skeleton, with calcium and phosphorous being the most abundant.
The body is also made of many trace minerals, for example iron and zinc, which are still essential for life and health, but present in smaller amounts.
Find out more by visiting the Mineral Fact Files
Click on the links below to understand the science behind the mineral: