If you feel bloated and keep getting heartburn or wind after eating you could be suffering from indigestion. Editor Jane Garton shares some natural ways to keep things running smoothly.
Take a leaf from nature’s book and enjoy the healing benefits of herbal teas. Editor Jane Garton takes us through the wider variety of teas available and the ailments they can help.
Have you ever thought about growing a herb garden? Editor Jane Garton shares the top herbs to grow and how to create your own herbal corner in your garden, on your patio or along your windowsill.
As soon as the sun comes out it’s time to dust down the grill and light up the barbecue. Editor Jane Garton shares some top tips for staying healthy during barbecue season.
Travelling is full of excitement and new experiences but sometimes it can create havoc with our health. Editor Jane Garton shares her top travel tips for staying healthy.