Vitamin Expert

Tag - Migraine

A world globe and tv screens to represent news and current affairs

News: September 2018

The latest natural health and wellbeing news and views from around the globe.

Feverfew flowers

Herb of the Month: Feverfew

Medical herbalist Gabriella Clarke introduces feverfew - a garden herb that may help to lessen the pain of migraine.

A woman holding her head in pain representing a migraine

Managing migraine

Migraines are extremely painful and can be debilitating. But are there any natural ways to help relieve this painful condition? Medical herbalist Gabriella Clarke looks at some remedies that might help to bring relief.

The valerian flower

Herb Health: Valerian

Valerian comes from the Latin verb ‘valere’ meaning to be strong and healthy. Find out all you need to know about this herb.

Feverfew flowers

Herb Health: Feverfew

Belonging to the daisy family, feverfew gets its name from the Latin 'Febrifugia' which means to reduce fever. Find out all you need to know about this herb.

A woman holding her head in pain representing a migraine

Q & A: Migraine Misery

“My migraines can be very painful and disabling. Can you suggest some natural remedies that could help?” Medical herbalist Gabriella Clarke answers. There are plenty of natural remedies that can help soothe...


Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and plays a very important role in numerous enzyme reactions.