Q & A: Can nutrition help improve my mood? Can what we eat help improve our mood? Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares some helpful nutritional tips to support your mental health.
Lifestyle tips for managing low mood and SAD this winter Editor Jane Garton shares some helpful lifestyle tips and wellness advice for managing low mood and SAD this winter.
Herbal helpers for mental health Editor Jane Garton shares the herbal remedies which can provide relief from some common mental health issues including low mood and anxiety.
Herbal Health: how to support your mental health with helpful herbs Editor Jane Garton shares some helpful herbs which can support your mental health, from managing low mood to coping with anxiety.
Beat the Monday Blues: how to focus on the positives Editor Jane Garton shares her top lifestyle tips for how to stay positive during January.
Christmas wellness: how to keep your energy levels up this festive season Editor Jane Garton shares her top tips for keeping your energy levels up this festive season.
5 ways to beat SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) this winter Editor Jane Garton discussed Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and what steps you can take to help you feel brighter this winter.
Anxiety: advice on how to manage your symptoms Editor Jane Garton shares top lifestyle tips for dealing with anxiety and how to deal with any negative feelings and thoughts.